Marco 2024 Movie: Full Cast, Plot, Action Scenes, Review, and Everything You Need to Know
There were many movies in 2024 but are we are lying if we say that most of these movies where [sequeals, superheroes, and overly dramatic]. That’s where Marco (2024) shines — a movie that doesn’t overload you with complex narratives and giant set pieces. Instead, it focuses on something simple yet delightful: the impressive story of a man who finds himself in an impressively extraordinary setting.
Marco, portrayed by the rather endearing and thoroughly amusing Alex Ramirez, is your everyman. He is not a hero, spy or even a man with great goals in life. He’s really just an uncultured pizza delivery man with some jokes, but over the course of two hours, we see him finally get something stuck in his teeth. However, life has other things in store for our hero Marco when circumstances deposit him at the center of an international adventure.
Marco, portrayed by the rather endearing and thoroughly amusing Alex Ramirez, is your everyman. He is not a hero, spy or even a man with great goals in life. He’s really just an uncultured pizza delivery man with some jokes, but over the course of two hours, we see him finally get something stuck in his teeth. However, life has other things in store for our hero Marco when circumstances deposit him at the center of an international adventure.
All Plot as Crazy as Marco Himself
This film starts with Marco as an actor delivering pizza to a mysterious scientist. That was weird enough, but then the scientist gives him some device that looks vaguely like a flare just before vanishing into thin air, though one could think she was startled by the amount of money he owes her for the pizza. One day, Marco finds that he is pursued by a group of alarming and nevertheless quite inept antagonists who are sure that he knows the secret of secrets. Spoiler: he doesn’t.
The following sequence would depict Marco who has zero experience in anything remotely heroic as attempting to scale through the events that follow. Violent slapstick from chasing officials through busy Roman streets to setting off a small café with a firecracker in Paris, are all hilarious. Don’t worry though, none of those in the movie are real Parisians or at least we hope they were not hurt in anyway.
No fun story is rainy without a bunch of an odd group of friends and Marco does not disappoint here. First one is Ellie, tech genius, and part-time conspiracy theorist, who was convinced to help Marco reluctantly. She is awesome that was my first impression and her dry humor and rolling eyes at Marco is cluelessness is great.
There’s Viktor the former spy that is shown to be old and broke, clearly having been used by his masters. Just picture Bond as a old man …an old man who still likes his energy beverages and spends probably half of the film moaning about his arthritic knee. Training with a certain person is one of the best-used fight training scenes in the series and is very hilarious. Okay, let’s just say that Marco’s definition of ‘self-defense’ means shrieking and waving a broom.
Where Marco (2024) stands out is with it being funny while never shying away from the occasional moment of seriousness. It may not be slapstick comedy or corny jokes but it does not sound as though it was ‘written down’; rather it sounds as though your best friend said it. For instance, Marco dresses up for the occasion and wears a tuxedo that he takes from a thrift store to fit the event. The result? He looks more like a waiter and indeed he is nearly always shown to be waiting on the actual guests, wait, he serves drinks to the guests.
But under all the comedy of it all the movie also is a coming-of-age story. Marco is from a guy who originally has little faith in his ability to do anything great and transforms. Of course he remains stupid and commits a huge amount of mistakes, but he learns to believe in himself.
It is arguably the silliest of the Italian fakeJames Bond movies, but the action sequences in Marco are jolting all right. Also there is a funny scene were a man is chase with a vespa scooter, a loaf of bread and an angry baker. Finally, you start believing you’ve got the film’s story figured out only for the movie to bring you a plot twist that makes you chuckle.
Marco (2024) is not your typical serious movie that makes you sit down, it is a movie for cartoons lovers and when you need to take a break form the heavy schedules. It’s a comedy, it’s entertaining and it doesn’t attempt to condition your mind to think it’s amazing. To begin with, Marco isn’t underlined as a perfect hero but, that’s why people are able to identify themselves with him. Well, come on, all of you have been there at some point of your life when you felt uncomfortable, unready or something, have you?
So, every person who wants to watch an equal mix of comedy and adventure should consider watching Marco (2024). You may not get to know how to save the world but you are sure to know how to avoid delivering pizza to a scientist. And who knows? Audiences may well leave the theatre with a new sense of admiration for the ‘ordinary’ people who make our lives easier – and we barely notice (unless, of course, the Wi-Fi stops working, or you’ve been waiting for ages for that barista to remember your complicated order).
Marco! Oh wait… wrong game.
The Side Characters Steal the Show
There’s Viktor the former spy that is shown to be old and broke, clearly having been used by his masters. Just picture Bond as a old man …an old man who still likes his energy beverages and spends probably half of the film moaning about his arthritic knee. Training with a certain person is one of the best-used fight training scenes in the series and is very hilarious. Okay, let’s just say that Marco’s definition of ‘self-defense’ means shrieking and waving a broom.
What Makes Marco Unique
But under all the comedy of it all the movie also is a coming-of-age story. Marco is from a guy who originally has little faith in his ability to do anything great and transforms. Of course he remains stupid and commits a huge amount of mistakes, but he learns to believe in himself.
Laughter, Adventure and a Number of Expectations
Final Thoughts
So, every person who wants to watch an equal mix of comedy and adventure should consider watching Marco (2024). You may not get to know how to save the world but you are sure to know how to avoid delivering pizza to a scientist. And who knows? Audiences may well leave the theatre with a new sense of admiration for the ‘ordinary’ people who make our lives easier – and we barely notice (unless, of course, the Wi-Fi stops working, or you’ve been waiting for ages for that barista to remember your complicated order).
Marco! Oh wait… wrong game.